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About Us

Our Purpose

FHE is a private Christian homeschool family support group in the Greater Saint John, NB area. It exists to provide information, inspiration, and support to Christian home educators. All of our activities will be consistently and forthrightly Christian to the honour and glory of the Lord God.  

Our Cooperative Approach

Fundy Home Educators volunteer to help other homeschoolers and work together to enrich our children’s education. All activities are cooperative in nature, driven by the interest and involvement of our membership. Parents make our events possible through their active participation in the activities that their children attend.

Funding and Fees

The annual fee for Fundy Home Educators will be determined and due before each academic school year. Fees are not payments rendered for professional services, but membership dues. Fees are non-refundable as they represent a commitment to the membership year regardless of the families continued or discontinued attendance. 

Fees are collected annually to help distribute the overhead cost for our homeschool events, location fees, supplies, insurance, library resources, etc. The primary expense continues to be rental fees, so please let us know if you have access to an affordable location or church! Money is also set aside for the purchase of the next edition of the Canadian Achievement Test – a standardized test used in the public school system. Due to the nature of our events, a small additional fee is sometimes required and, if possible, we set a maximum family rate.  

Statement of Faith 

We Believe

  1. The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God and constitutes His complete and final revelation to men.  The Bible, in its original autograph, is without error in whole and in part, including theological concepts as well as geographical and historical details.
  2. God has existed from all eternity in three persons:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Jesus Christ was God come in human flesh being fully God and fully man, except without sin.
  3. All are sinners, in violation of God’s righteous requirements and His holy character, both by nature and by choice, and are therefore under His wrath and just condemnation, and are hopelessly lost.
  4. The central purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ was to pay the penalty for man’s sin through His substitutionary death on the cross.  His visible, bodily resurrection was proof He had accomplished this purpose.
  5. Salvation is offered as a gift, free to the sinner.  The gift must be responded to in individual faith, not trusting in any personal works whatsoever, but in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ alone.
  6. A Christian should live for the glory of God and the well-being of all men; his conduct should be blameless before the world; he should be faithful steward of his possessions; he should seek to realize, for himself and others, maturity in the Christian life.
  7. Christian parents are ordained by God to fulfill the primary responsibility of training their children under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  God will hold parents accountable for their children’s spiritual, emotional, academic, and social training.